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Video or Graphics in Facebook Ads – Which do you think would work better?

One of the most effective tools in Facebook that marketers and businesses can make use of to generate massive profits fast is the use of Facebook and Instagram ads, where you create demographic, targeted ad campaigns.

Facebook advertising is getting increasingly popular with marketers and businesses primarily due to the fact that they can drive massive volumes of awareness, engagement and traffic to their sites and it’s been a proven fact that retargeting ads is very effective.

I get the question all the time…”What should I be using? Video or Graphics with Facebook ads?”

Facebook is continuing to make further updates to strengthen the effectiveness of its paid ads.

Video or Graphics in Facebook Ads

When it comes to paying for engagement, hands down, the answer is video of any type.” This could be a Facebook live, a landscape video, a vertical video for stories or a square video. Typically, these are $.01 – $.03/view.

Many people would believe that video doesn’t work for ads that have the goal of ‘conversion.’ My question is, “have you tested it?”

In this blog post, I’m going to show you specific case studies on video or graphics.

I have tested ads using regular video or graphics in Facebook ads time and again. By far, the graphics for conversion were the better option…in the past. But, now, we have found it can be video too!


Let’s look at some of my client case studies:

Case Study #1: My own business

Video: $13/lead

Graphics: $8/lead



Case Study #2: Membership for Real Estate

Video: $2/lead

Graphic: $4.50/lead



Case Study #3: Home Builder

Video: $21/lead

Graphic: $12/lead




Until you test – you don’t know. It takes TESTING.

I typically launch an ad testing at least 3 creatives – 2 graphics and 1 video. Maybe even more, but this is my minimum.


I have found for memberships, coaches, consultants that typically a video works better. But, STILL WORTH THE TEST!


Another point to consider Facebook advertising is that you can introduce a graphic element to your ads. It’s clear that showing images or photos can really increase the interest of a reader.

Remember that a successful campaign evolves with time. As you look over your data, you’ll see things that work and you’ll see things that don’t work. I test this every time I launch a new ad. It is WORTH TESTING! It will save you lots of money in end. 🙂

Video or Graphics in Facebook Ads – Which do you NOW think would works better?