5 Simple Video Ideas for Business

#1: Customer Videos – Testimonials

Any type of business where you have happy customers or if you happen to be with them, If you own a business, such as on orthodontist office, simply grab that phone and take a quick video testimonial. It can be super, super quick.

Another idea is to have them send in the videos.  You could actually have them send in customer testimonial videos by giving them  an incentive.  We’ve  done that with a couple companies and we’ve had some great results by having their customers  send in videos and we offer gift cards in appreciation. Currently, I work with a jewelry cleaner company whom we’re having people send in videos of what they are they’re using to clean their jewelry. It makes sense, but a lot of us forget to do it. This  is kind of going to the level of influencer marketing, which is, where you can have an influencer promote your product, that’s another part of it and they may be a happy customer, so try it.

Start getting creative with ways to get videos of your customers.


#2: You in Videos (Talking Head)

This is where you see a person’s head and not much else on the screen…and they’re doing the talking.

You can do that via live or you could do it recorded. So, there are different things that you can do that aren’t always the best for the replay side of things.    This can be good if you are talking about a product for some of the time.  Some of the top categories of businesses that this works well for are network marketers, real estate agents, anywhere you are trying to build YOU as a brand, you should be doing the talking head videos.


#3: Slideshow Image Videos

This is a very simple to create and does not take a lot of time. I have jeweler clients that have a lot of beautiful jewelry.  So, they can use a program called Animoto or Adobe Spark, something like that to put the slides across.  I even use Adobe and input different images that say different things.  Ripple and Legend are also some apps that you can use for slideshow videos.

Customer testimonials are great, too.  You could even create a video and add in the clips along with slides.  


#4: Videos using a Phone App

Some of my favorite tools are apps on your phone. LEGEND is where you can put words across a graphic and then you have a video.

LUMYER is a favorite of a lot of people, my jewelers really love it.  I love Adobe Spark, too, and what you do is you upload that image to remain in its square.  Square video is converting better right now, so we want to be focusing on square. Then take that square video, add a bubble, snow, a sparkling diamond, anything like that and then boom…It converts it to a video. It’s that simple.  

We make this whole video thing I think kind of complicated and it’s actually quite simple. Gerard has loved using Animoto and he’s done some great jewelry videos with it. I expect he’s going to be doing a ton more jewelry videos with that too. 

#5: Product Demos

How many of you seen a demo video in the news feed that’s maybe targeted you and you ended up buying that product? It happens to me all the time

If you have a product that you can demo, you definitely want to be showing how that product works.  

What other ideas for videos do you have? I’d love to hear even more ideas. 🙂