3 Reasons to why you Should Share the Content of Others

by | Facebook Marketing & Advertising, Pinterest Marketing, Social Media Marketing


Why should you use and share the content of others in your social media or on your website? That’s a good question.

I’ve heard some people say that they don’t want to share other experts in their industry because they feel it could lose them business. They want to hide all other experts from their potential clients so that they can keep all the business for themselves. That just is not true. There is enough business to go around! This mentality will get you nowhere, so get rid of it!

Instead, take the approach that what you give to others may come back to you in some form or another. Do not afraid of competition, instead embrace it.

So here are my Top 3 Reasons you SHOULD share others’ content.

Reason #1: You don’t have to come up with the content yourself. 😉

This one is my favorite…lol! There is so much incredible content across the web that you will not think of yourself. When you share other’s content, not only do you learn from it, but you can give the tips that you might not have thought of to your fan base. Plus, it can help give you a rest from coming up with your own content.

Reason #2: It could lead to building a relationship with the expert and opportunities for interviews, joint-ventures or other cross-promotions.

By promoting someone else’s content, you add exposure for them, which helps them out. It is part of giving without expecting back. I have done this for countless people. Some realize it, some don’t. I have built multiple business relationships with other experts in my industry by sharing their content. Due to this sharing, many have noticed my content and share it too. This adds exposure to my business, but first I was able to add exposure to theirs. I have had a number of experts guest blog on my website and I have also guest blogged on theirs. It is a win-win for all!

Reason #3: Your credibility in the the eyes of your clients actually increases when you offer other great experts in your industry.

A great example of this is James Wedmore for Video Marketing. I just love his videos and education. I have shared his stuff with many of my clients, fans, etc. Now have they gone and bought his products? Yes! Some actually have! But, in the end I provided excellent content and recommendations to my clients that they would not have heard about if not through me. I have gotten thanked after they bought the products of course too.

Types of content of others you can share are blog posts, videos, images, podcasts or news/current events. I have more detailed information on this type of content in my guide: Ultimate Guide to Social Media Content. Grab a free copy to learn more!

Do you currently share other people’s content, even in your own industry? I’d love to know.