
10 Social Media Tips that WORK!

Join us in this video (or podcast) where we go through our favorite social media tips that work. We explain the how and why of each.

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Social Media Tip #1: Branding is KEY


Branding is Key.  A key part of building your brand is promoting a polished and consistent image.  Be sure every aspect of your marketing strategy mirrors that image in design, color and overall appearance. 

This is one of the pieces I live by for my own business and when I work with my clients.  Branding is what identifies you – your logo, who you are in the community.  For the logo, it must be consistent across the different social media platforms that you are using – Facebook cover image, Google+ image, your Pinterest, the images you’re designing.  ~Janet


Social Media Tip #2: Have a Plan!


Have a plan!  Set up an online content calendar.  Use Google Calendar to organize this. 

You may also use the old school way – use a paper or printed calendar with your planned contents to post.  On the other hand you may also use the color codes in Google calendar.  There are different colors available that you may use for different social media contents.

An example is using red for Pinterest on Mondays and perhaps blue for Twitter on Tuesdays.  So when you’re thinking or coming up with contents to write, it may assist and prompt you to write the correct content or message.  And you may also come across some headlines when surfing through the web that you may use as topic to write about.

When you come up with ideas for content, write it down in your calendar, whatever type of calendar you are using. ~Janet & Lisa


Social Media Tip #3: Interact with Others


Interact with others.  Don’t just post on your page.  Be sure to like, comment and share on other pages too. 

When we say pages, it is not limited to Facebook, but for any platform.  It could be in Pinterest, Google+ too. However posting is not good enough. For social media to work, it is important to interact with people outside of your own page – talk and comment on their post, as well. 

Share their content, especially with people you really want to get connected with.  Commenting on other people’s post is adding value to it.  You may even train people by letting them know what you do and what you’re an expert and provide free information.  This builds trust and integrity and show people you are sincere in helping them out.  However avoid spamming as it is not what the comments are for.


Social Media Tip #4: The Money is in the List


Money is in the list.  Remember: email marketing + social media equals more opportunities to grow your business! 

Facebook is a funnel system to get people to your list.  Get them in your social network list and give them great products for free and give away great knowledge through your email campaign.  Email marketing is about building trust and you are able to share information and coupons.  Email is a great tool for getting numbers of audience engaged.  At one point you may even resell another person’s product. Build the relationship and have your own list.


Social Media Tip #5: Use Video


Use video.  Increase your chances for online sales by adding a video.  Recent statistics show that viewers of product videos are 85% more likely to buy. 

When you have a product that you’re selling and you have a sales page for that product, it is best to set up a video for it.  You may watch a quick video on your smart phone that may even be created using these devices.  Video also increases the chance of search engine optimization, especially when you have a video in YouTube. 

There are different channels where you can create videos like the Google Hangouts, no more lugging heavy equipment for such applications.  Instagram and Vine are among the apps to use to create videos.  


Social Media Tip #6: No Negativity


No negativity.  Why waste a sentence saying nothing? 

If you don’t have anthing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.  Negativity on social media can be taken to extremes.  In social media, it is better for your brand if you can say something positive about somebody or something even if it is a negative situation. 


Social Media Tip #7: Be Social


Focus on how to be social, not on how to do social as per Jay Baer. 

If you’re social by nature, social media will be very good for you.  If you’re someone that hides behind a cubicle and doesn’t say much, social media may become difficult.  Social media is a conversation, so focus on learning how to reach your hand out and say hello.  Learning how to give a compliment to somebody about something they’ve done and say something positive about it, that’s something about being social.  It is about getting out there and being social as your brand.


Social Media Tip #8: Have The Right Ingredients?


Social media is an ingredient, not an entree. 

Your core business is going to be your website and who you are.  Social media is just one little element, one little ingredient to the whole marketing platform.  You want to use these social media tools as a way to put people at the top of your funnel.  Just get them to introduce who you are, about your website and who your brand is.  


Social Media Tip #9:  Privacy is dead


Privacy is dead and social media hold the smoking gun.   

Just realize you can run, but you cannot hide.  In this world of social media, what you post immediately can be shared, copied, tweeted.


Social Media Tip #10: Stop Selling. Start Helping.


Stop selling and start helping.   

Stop just pitching your stuff and start making a conversation.  Help other people with the tools that you have and it builds your credibility and your integrity. Even when offline (in a social setting) make sure that you share the experiences that you have because you’re helping somebody out. 


Love these tips?  And the images that go along with them?  Gain access to all 50 Social Media Tips to Grow your Business! Download to learn or share.  Find them at: SocialMediaHangoutTime.com/SMTIPS.